Steven Tiner, the 23rd Pastor to the Levy Pulpit, came to North Little Rock in November, 2003, from Dermott Baptist Church. Having received excellent and superior ratings from the Arkansas Speech Communication Association, he has served as keynote speaker at events in churches in Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas and Mexico City.
Recognized for his design of worship services, Pastor Tiner's unique World Communion Sunday service was featured in Let's Worship, the Southern Baptist journal for helping pastors and other worship leaders in planning worship. He has written columns for the North Little Rock Times, Sherwood Voice, Maumelle Monitor, and the Arkansas Baptist News. He is the author of, "Angels: God's Heavenly Beings", and "Enter His Gates", a daily devotional book, published bi-monthly. Pastor Tiner’s clever design of the Levy Baptist weekly newsletter, The Open Door, received accolades in The Newsletter Newsletter, a monthly resource for those who design and prepare church publications. He was appointed to the North Little Rock Green Agenda Committee by Alderman John Parker and in January of 2008, was named Chaplain of the Arkansas Queen River Boat. He serves as treasurer of Levy Business Association and has been an active member of Levy Jumstart. Pastor Tiner performs weddings aboard the Arkansas Queen and at La Veda’s in North Little Rock. He served two years as Moderator for North Pulaski Baptist Association. Pastor Tiner has been active with the Levy Jumpstart group from its inception.
Pastor Tiner has conducted five trips to the Holy Land (Israel, Jordan, Egypt), a pilgrimage on the 2nd and 3rd Missionary Journeys of Paul in Greece and Turkey, the fourth missionary journey of Paul to Rome, a 10- day tour of the Treasures of Ireland, participated in the International Congress on Preaching in Cambridge, England, mission trips in Honduras and Mexico.
Prior to his arrival at Levy, he served churches in Dermott, Gould, Dumas, and Conway. He married Theresa Maynard, now Tiner, on August 22, 1998.
We are currently searching for Minister of Music.